
Waiting and Waiting and Waiting | Ruddy

Waiting and Waiting and Waiting | Ruddy

Because of COVID restrictions designed to keep Ruddy safe, Ryanne has never seen Ruddy’s hospital room. She’s never met any of his nurses. She’s never watched Ruddy get his chemo. Her brother repeatedly leaves for weeks at a time to visit a place she’s only imagined to have treatments she doesn’t understand.

So for this strong and courageous five-year-old, the idea of cancer is as obscure as the coronavirus. In fact, she sometimes gets mixed up and accidentally says Ruddy has “the virus.”

But when I ask her what she does while Ruddy is at the hospital, she answers without skipping a beat. “I wait and wait and wait for him to come back,” she tells me, “because I miss him.”

Why Rush? | Carter

Why Rush? | Carter

“I was always trying to move so fast before. I wish I could go back and tell myself to just slow down.”

Cancer changes everything. Now, when Carter doesn’t feel good, when he needs something, or when he just wants to be held, Davida has learned to just stop, be in the moment, and hold him close.

“Why rush?” she asks, more as a statement than a question.

All I can think to say is, “Don’t.”

Faith Over Fear | Kinsley

Faith Over Fear | Kinsley

Megan has the most beautiful perspective. “She’ll never be truly ‘normal’ because of the crazy amount of chemo she got as a baby,” she tells me. “But we are so thankful that we get to figure it out with her. We’re lucky that we get to navigate the new normal of therapy and medicines and just be with her through it all.”

Feliz Cumpleaños, Randito!

Feliz Cumpleaños, Randito!

Between treatments in Birmingham, recovering at home, and traveling to other hospitals around the country, Randy and his family hold onto their faith. They hold onto hope. They love each other fiercely. They celebrate the time they have together and believe that God will heal Randy and that someday he will walk again, cancer-free, healthy and happy.

Every Day is a Special Day | Copeland's Fight

Every Day is a Special Day | Copeland's Fight

Everyday, Copeland’s parents practice letting go of the small things, letting their kids be kids, and remembering that every single day that Copeland wakes up is a gift. Every single day that they get to spend with their boys is a special day. Every moment matters, and they intend to enjoy each and every one.

Johanna’s Pumpkin Patch

Johanna’s Pumpkin Patch

“It’s okay to say, ‘this is crappy, and I don’t like it, and I don’t wanna be here,’” Shea tells me. And she is so right. “But through all of that, there’s still purpose, and there’s still hope, and there’s still a way for you to serve people.”